Industry season 3 episode 4: Calming the Lumi storm

As we now brace to see Industry season 3 episode 4 on HBO next weekend, it is clear that there are a few interesting stories to think about.
For the sake of this piece, though, what we want to do is focus on Lumi, given that the company is coming off a hot mess of a panel and one that leads to a lot of questions about its valuation — also, what is Henry Muck really up to? Is he doing enough?
Honestly, what we want to see more of entering the next episode is the fallout from Kit Harington’s character over what has gone on here, mostly because we have not seen enough of it yet and this is someone who really likes to be this sort of forward-facing “man all about the future” who can be admired by everyone. Of course, in reality he’s far more messy than that and there is a lot here that needs to be explored.
Our sentiment in general is that we are going to see a pretty incredible arc for Harington moving forward now where you have this guy, who thinks that he knows everything start to unravel more and more over time. Of course, all of this is complicated further by the fact that there is still benefit that comes from working with the guy even if he becomes more and more distasteful. There is potential for everyone to feel perhaps dirty and morally compromised — which is, in general, where this show tends to thrive almost always. We are excited to see all of this play out.
Luckily, we are not at the halfway point of the season — though we are very much one of those who wishes that this season could be longer. There is enough to explore with all of these various characters, right?
Related – Get some more news regarding Industry season 3 episode 4 now — what else is ahead?
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