Big Brother 26 spoilers: Who won HoH, week 6?

Who won HoH this week within the Big Brother 26 house? Given that he just had the power, this was a competition Tucker could not win. This opened the door for a lot of chaos and unpredictability, mostly due to the fact that whoever has the power could be making some huge decisions. Do you try and find a way to get him out?
Well, the first thing to note here was that there was no advance indication here that we were going to get some sort of elaborate endurance competition all over again. We do tend to think that this is anyone’s competition to win, but the people who obviously need it most are the survivors from the block and/or Quinn, who could easily be nominated again as a pawn in some situation. Given that the AI Arena is apparently still in play, this radically changes what a lot of players are going to do!
If there is one other thing that is 100% worth noting at this point, it’s the rather-simple fact that the AI Instigator is going to be coming into play soon. While it remains to be seen who will actually be handed the power, we do tend to think that they could cause a lot of drama in the game.
When the feeds came back after the show, this is where we got our surprise: T’kor won the HoH! By virtue of that, she is now in a spot where she actually has the ability to take up the game and make moves that she has hesitated to do most of the season. She honestly did not need to win this, but our feeling is that Makensy could end up being the target just because it’s a safe, easy play with the AI Arena still happening.
Who did you want to see win Head of Household this week in Big Brother 26?
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