Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Are the votes taking shape?

In a little over 24 hours the latest Big Brother 26 live eviction show is going to be here — do we have a good sense now as to what is going to happen?
Well, for starters let’s look at things from this vantage point: Brooklyn is still going home in just about every scenario. Where there have been conversations about potentially keeping her, Tucker has made it explicitly clear that she is his target. She’s also proven to be pretty bad at playing from the bottom and hasn’t owned up to some of her lies — especially when it comes to the Pentagon alliance. If it is her vs. Chelsie or Cam after the AI Arena, it does not matter.
However, extended conversations this afternoon between T’kor, Quinn, and Kimo do make it all the more clear that Chelsie may very well stay if it is her and Cam on the block together at the end. Tucker wants Chelsie to go there, but it may not matter. Tucker seems to be aware, as he has insisted to Cam that he really needs to win that Arena. (Cam, of course, really doesn’t have a care in the world and has done almost zero campaigning all week.)
Meanwhile, both Joseph and Angela have already gotten the clue from Quinn that Cam probably leaves if it is him versus Chelsie in that scenario, so this could be a storyline that lingers for a little while. (Angela clearly wants to talk to Tucker about it, but there are other people in the HoH room seemingly keeping that discussion from happening.)
At this point, this week has a chance to be pretty interesting depending on how the votes shake out — especially since Tucker can’t play in the next HoH. If you blindside him here, how does that impact him in the event he gets to play in the next Veto?
Related – Check out our new thoughts on the Big Brother 26 live feeds right now
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