Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Late-night paranoia! (day 35)

Today in the Big Brother 26 house proved to be yet another dramatic one, mostly just because with the Veto Ceremony done, everyone chose to be messy. You had Brooklyn throwing barbs, Chelsie trying to rope in T’kor, Leah and Quinn trying to make amends, and only a select few people talking about taking out Tucker. That may change if the AI Arena goes away. (Obviously, Brooklyn is publicly targeting him. Otherwise?)
As we get deeper and deeper into the evening, let’s just say that another emotion is starting to settling in — paranoia. After all, Tucker’s big move today was flipping Makensy against Brooklyn and Chelsie — and given that Makensy and Leah have talked a lot of game (while also being occasionally passive-aggressive towards each other), he’s spent a good part of the night with both of them.
Well, T’kor and Rubina have clocked that, and have spent much of the night being nervous about. What they’ve realized more is that Tucker is going to look out for himself, but they do trust him for the time being and thinks that he has their interest at heart. We tend to believe this is true for now, at least as there are other easy targets in the game. Rubina and Tucker did talk about being concerned if he is there at the end, but also how they may need him in the immediate future. (We tend to think T’kor could take a shot at him at some point sooner than Rubina, but she also doesn’t need to win any competitions for a while. That would show her cards.)
The most interesting development of the night is that T’kor still feels a lot of loyalty towards Chelsie, even if she shouldn’t. If Brooklyn wins the AI Arena and it is Chelsie versus Cam, that’s where we think things could get a little bit messy.
In other news…
T’kor and Rubina worry about Joseph just siding with whoever is in power — though we know he is really loyal to Tucker more than anyone else. Kimo also joined in on the paranoia for a while and is hoping to steer Tucker away from Leah and Makensy. This man manages to mist almost everyone in the game and ultimately, we could have people fighting over him versus fighting to evict him.
Related – See more news from today on the Big Brother 26 feeds
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