Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 5 Veto Ceremony preview

The week 5 Power of Veto Ceremony is coming soon within the Big Brother 26 house — with that, what can we actually expect?
If you need a quick refresher on things here, what we can say starts with the following: Tucker won the Veto in addition to the HoH. With that in mind, he had full control. He’s talked a lot about saving Quinn and then nominating Chelsie instead, but did that change at all overnight?
For now, things seem to still be as planned. The 6th Avenue alliance had a meeting last night and within that, it was cemented further that Brooklyn is the target. If it comes down to Chelsie versus Cam, however, Tucker seems more interested in taking out Chelsie. He recognizes that she is a much better social player and beyond just that, he’s already beaten Cam at multiple competitions and is not altogether worried about him.
Meanwhile, over the course of the night Joseph and Angela had a good conversation where they bonded more, Rubina admitted to T’kor how much she is crushing on Tucker, and Brooklyn tried unsuccessfully to campaign to Tucker, saying she would not go after him. (He doesn’t believe it.) Quinn knows thanks to Rubina there is a chance the Veto gets used on him, but in general there are going to be a lot of jaws on the floor at the Ceremony amidst this lovely bit of theater.
On paper, all things are going great for Tucker right now. Not only is he going to get a dangerous player out this week, but he’s got an alliance full of people who (at least to some extent) care about him being in the game. Angela wants to go far with him, and both Kimo and Rubina are likely compromised by their crushes. Joseph has said that he thinks he can beat Tucker at final two. T’kor is likely the one who would contemplate backdooring him the most, but would she do that if Kimo doesn’t want it? He’s obviously a huge threat and people could be jealous of the potential air time he’s getting, but it may not matter for now. The next HoH could change everything.
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What do you want to see during the Big Brother 26 Veto Ceremony later today?
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