Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: A replacement nominee? (day 33)

If there is one thing that we can say about Tucker within Big Brother 26, it is simply this: He’s not going to sit still in this game. even when he has a lot of power, he’s still not afraid to mix things up and be a little messy.
Take, for starters, where things are in the hours following the Veto. He won the HoH, won the Veto, and then got mad at Quinn for messing up his stuff during the Hide and Go Veto (when it was really Brooklyn, per a conversation between her and Chelsie). Tucker may claim that this was all a mind-game and really, who knows with this guy?
What makes all of this funny is that he could just leave Quinn on the block alongside Brooklyn and Cam and then call it a day. However, he’s now leaning towards removing Quinn and putting up Chelsie in his place. Why? Well, he thinks that Quinn’s already tanked a lot of his game and won’t have a lot of people willing to trust him … and he’s really not wrong. (Take, Quinn telling Brooklyn she was Tucker’s target and getting caught.) While he may work a little here and there with T’kor and Kimo, we don’t think anyone will fully buy into him for a while. Taking out Brooklyn severs a bond between her and Makensy, and she’s also close to a lot of other people on that side. No matter who leaves of those three, you are at least getting rid of a number.
(Personally, we do think that Cam leaving would be the best option drama-wise, as the man is bringing almost nothing to the game at this point.)
We do wonder if Tucker has clocked Kimo trying to get Makensy on the block instead of Chelsie, mostly because it feels obvious that Kimo doesn’t want to sever that relationship entirely. Tucker doesn’t care, much as he doesn’t care about a lot of nuances in general. He is in a spot where he needs to comp-out if he wants to stay alive; unless Rubina or Angela wins the next HoH, couldn’t you argue that almost everyone else would go after him? Maybe Kimo wouldn’t, but he’d sure be pressured to.
Related – See more of the immediate aftermath of the Big Brother 26 Veto Competition from earlier
Do you think saving Quinn really is the right move on Big Brother 26 this week?
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