Industry season 3 episode 2 spoilers: What’s next for Harper?

With Industry season 3 episode 2 coming this weekend to HBO, there is certainly a ton to be curious about for several characters — with Harper of course at the front! She is point at Pierpoint, but let’s just say that she has found another important spot for herself. Also, she can be very much involved in all things Henry Muck and Lumi, the tech company that we imagine will be at the center of a ton of the story moving forward.
Are we going to see a lot of major back-and-forth debates between Harper and Eric moving forward? You better believe it! With that being said, though, you will also have a chance to see great ones involving Harper and Yasmin.
Speaking to Teen Vogue in a new interview, Myha’la made it clear just what Harper’s story is going to look like moving forward — and what you can expect when it comes to Harper and Yasmin:
I think that relationship was begging for an event to ground it — and something happens this season that does that. Marisa says all the time, and I think she’s totally right that Harper and Yasmin would never have crossed paths for any reason other than working together. And in the end, the things they love each other are the things they resent about each other. Yasmin wants so badly to be good at finance; Harper wants to be able to charm the pants off anyone. But this season, they go through something that, whether they like it or not, bonds them forever. And it’s the kind of place a friendship goes to that you can’t come back from.
If this is not an exciting tease, what is? This easily feels like Harper’s biggest season yet already, just like it also feels like the biggest season for the show itself. Now that it is on HBO’s on Sundays, we really hope there is a chance to see it flourish.
Related – Be sure to get some more information now entering the next Industry episode
What do you most want to see from Industry season 3 episode 2, let alone the rest of the season?
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