Is Blue Bloods new tonight on CBS? An August 16 update

Is Blue Bloods new tonight on CBS? We certainly know at this point that we’d love nothing more than to dive into the show again.
Well, is that about to happen? Unfortunately, the only way that we can answer this is “no.” The Tom Selleck – Donnie Wahlberg series is once again off the air, and we are going to be stuck waiting for a good while still to see the series come back. At present, the plan is for the next installment to air once we get around to Friday, October 18. There are eight episodes still to come, and we anticipate that there will be a ton of emotional moments along the way from here on out. How can there not be?
At this point, CBS still has not said all that much about what the remaining episodes are going to contain. However, at the same time we are hardly sitting around and thinking that there is about to be some sort of huge surprise on the menu. Our sentiment instead is that the remainder of the show will be a lot about what you’ve loved about the series over the years, whether that be great cases or personal moments involving the Reagans. There is a chance that the stakes could be somewhat higher in the finale, but before then? Well, we’d be surprised if there is some enormous shift then.
Remember while you wait, as well, that there have at least been discussions about possible spin-offs. It remains to be seen if they will happen or not but for now, the mere chance alone is worthy of some speculation. This is a franchise that has generated a ton of money over the years, so it makes some sense for it to be a subject of some active conversations, no?
Related – Get more news on Blue Bloods right now, including some of the latest spin-off hopes
What do you most want to see moving into Blue Bloods season 14 when it does return?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.