Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: The Joseph, Tucker connection

In our first update for day 29 of Big Brother 26, we have to kick things off here by discussing one of the greatest sources of fun this season: Tucker. After all, he is a really fascinating person to watch in that even though he’s a far-from-great player, he easily is critical to the story so far. He’s also safe and with that, there is a cognizance that he could end up being the next Head of Household.
With this in mind, we are at a point here where we have to give at least a certain amount of credit to Joseph — otherwise known as one of the people actually trying to build trust with him. He’s done it for days, as Joseph also seems to realize that he’s not in the best spot within the Collective overall.
Early this afternoon, Joseph was able to implant some important info for Tucker — namely, that Chelsie is not someone to be trusted fully. He’s one of the only people in the game not fully under her spell at this point. It gives Tucker someone else to go after beyond just Quinn and Cedric, and there is intelligence with that. It also allowed Tucker to be more comfortable talking about something he wants to build with Angela, T’kor, Kimo, Joseph, and possibly Leah. Of course, getting T’kor / Kimo to actually commit to his side is the real problem there, and those two still have a lot of trust in Chelsie and Brooklyn.
None of these talks may matter depending on the next HoH, but it is still important to watch out.
As for campaigning…
Rubina has done a good job of going around and talking game — especially with someone like Leah who has been waiting for a chance to have it happen. If nothing else, it feels pretty clear she will stay versus Makensy — her versus Cedric, however, is a totally different story.
Related – Learn more about Big Brother 26 and the live feeds from last night
What are you most hoping to see across day 29 within the Big Brother 26 house?
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