Agatha All Along trailer: Definitely not the Wizard of Oz…

With the premiere of Agatha All Along coming on Disney+ in a little over a month, why not check out the latest trailer?
At this point, it is pretty clear that there is a lot to love from this WandaVision spin-off, whether it be the presence of Kathryn Hahn or the commitment from Marvel to make something that is fairly Halloween-focused. Beyond all of this, though, it also feels like we may be getting one of the first real stories within the MCU that is really about the villain more so than any hero.
What does make the show so complicated is just how far they are going to go with the villainy, and also what sort of surprises Agatha Harkness will find herself taking as she undergoes the road — a way in which to try and restore some of what she lost. You can watch the latest trailer via the D23 Expo over here, and it features everything from the incredibly Aubrey Plaza to also what looks like some sort of warped version of The Wizard of Oz.
While it may seem small within the grand scheme of things, one of the things that intrigues us the most about this show is just how much emphasis has been really put on the practical side of things. There is not some abundance of special effects or green screens through a lot of what you see on the show, especially when comparing it to a lot of the other Marvel projects out there. Even if you are dealing with a show that has a great deal of witchcraft in it, there’s a chance we’re also looking at a story that is grounded within its own way.
Now, let’s just hope the series lives up to what has been an incredibly long wait.
Related – Do you want to see more coverage of Agatha All Along, including some other clips?
What do you most want to see moving into the Agatha All Along premiere on Disney+?
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