Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 4 Veto players

The week 4 Power of Veto Competition is coming in the Big Brother 26 house — so what will happen as a result? Let’s just say that there is a ton to dive further into here…
First and foremost, remember that Head of Household Angela did not technically make this week’s nominations — instead, it was Quinn thanks to his Deep Fake power. He then chose to nominate Tucker, Makensy, and Cedric, who volunteered to go up. Of the three Tucker is the easy target, but he has a knack for finding ways to secure his safety — mostly via the AI Arena. He’s already said that if there’s a prize in the Veto, he is gunning for that first and foremost.
So who is playing beyond Tucker, Angela, Makensy, and Cedric? Well, think Brooklyn and Joseph, who have been a familiar part of these draws before. This means that Rubina will not be playing and with that, no scenario where she ends up saving Tucker and both are okay for the week. The problem here is that Tucker had a chance to pick Rubina and he chose Joseph instead. Why do that? We imagine it’s because he does not want to put a target on her, but it may still happen.
We should note here that despite Tucker saying last night that he would go for prizes in the Veto, he also noted today that if he wins the Veto, he’ll actually use it on himself — maybe he still go for prizes but he’s thinking about that hypothetical. He’s clearly locked in, but we do think everyone is going to try in this competition. They have no real reason not to, all things considered — so many people want Tucker out that it’s a good thing if they are all playing for it on some level. The competition will hopefully be later in the afternoon, at least based on how early the player draw happened.
Related – See more of the nomination aftermath from last night
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