Is Fire Country new tonight on CBS, August 9, 2024?

Is Fire Country new tonight on CBS? Of course, we know that a lot of people out there are ready to have the show back. We are among them! There are so many important stories still to be told from Bode’s world, and that is especially the case now that the character has found his way out of prison. Why not get into more of this now?
Well, here is the bad news: The drama is still not back with the third season. The plan is for it to start airing in mid-October and with production underway, we do at least think that we are nearing the time when we will start to be seeing more in the way of substantial previews for what lies ahead. Do we think they’ll give away the other side of Gabriela’s wedding? Probably not, but there are still a number of other exciting things to discuss.
For everyone who did not know, here is another bit of exciting news worth sharing, as well: Fire Country is now on Netflix! The first season can be binged over there and honestly, it’s a really smart move for CBS to get new eyeballs on the show now. They can watch it there, and then hopefully use Paramount+ to get on board leading into season 3. Or, at the very least, that’s the hope. We know that the show has already made it into the top ten there.
Ultimately, the main goal for season 3 has to just be furthering along everyone’s journeys. We know that this is a drama series and with that, there are going to be some setbacks. However, at the same time we also feel like it is meant to be an inspirational one at the end of the day. There will be moments that make you smile, though you could have to wait a while to see all of them.
Related – Be sure to get some more news regarding Fire Country, including more insight on a new character
What do you most want to see when Fire Country season 3 does arrive on CBS?
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