Evil season 4 episode 12 promo: The trial of Leland Townsend

We don’t think that it is going to come as much of a shock but moving into Thursday’s Evil season 4 episode 12, chaos is the name of the game. How can it not be when you consider what lies ahead?
There are certainly a few different things that you should wonder entering this episode. Take, whether or not Kristen and David will finally get together. Or, what could be happening when it comes to their professional future, as well, given what has transpired already. Beyond all of that, you of course have the trial of Leland Townsend, a man who has clearly been established as one of the most wicked people imaginable.
If you head over to the official Instagram for Evil right now, you can get a larger look at what lies ahead in episode 12, a story that could feel at least somewhat like the final episodes of Presumed Innocent over on Apple TV+. How else could you describe a situation in which Boggs finds himself in a potentially precarious position in the courtroom? The only difference here is that there weren’t any demons running rampant in court — at least literally. Metaphorically, however, is a totally different story.
So is Michael Emerson’s character actually going to be locked away in prison for a rather long time? It does feel like a fair question to wonder at this point but honestly, we’d be a little shocked if things shake out in an altogether easy manner. Just remember that we’re talking here about a guy who has managed to slither out of SO many situations time and time again. At this point, we would not be altogether shocked in the event that he has to be killed.
As for one final reason for excitement, Sister Andrea has the shovel again — isn’t that always a reason for joy?
What do you most want to see moving into Evil season 4 episode 12?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.