Silo season 2: See Common’s freestyle show rap

Isn’t it nice to know at this point that Silo season 2 is going to be premiering this November? We tend to think so! Sure, it is still a long wait, but there is something to be said for being able to pin down an exact time to see the series return.
What we know about the next season is quite simple: Juliet is on the outside now, and that could enable her to really learn a good bit about what truly happened out there! It could also allow her to potentially explore new Silos, which are all over the place and the world around her is SO much bigger than she was previously aware.
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Now, do you want to have a fun way to celebrate the show’s impending release? If you were not aware, Apple TV+ has put the end of the show’s Comic-Con panel from the weekend online, in particular the part where Common does a freestyle rap about the show and the people involved. You can check that out here! Even though there aren’t exactly any huge spoilers in this, it’s a good reminder of how much the rapper / actor loves this world … and we do think that there’s going to be some really cool stuff coming for his character of Sims before it all is said and done.
As for when we’re hoping to get some more footage on Silo season 2, let’s just say that we’re crossing our fingers and hoping for something more around late September or October. That feels like the perfect chance to get a trailer! The only reason why we haven’t seen anything yet is likely because we are still too far away, even if it was nice to have a panel discussion.
What are you most hoping to see when it comes to Silo season 2 at this point?
Go ahead and let us know in the comments! There are some other updates that are also coming up here soon.