Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Who won the Veto, week 1?

The first Big Brother 26 Power of Veto competition happened this afternoon — so what exactly was the end result of it?
Well, the first thing to remember here is that Head of Household Angela nominated Kimo, Lisa, and Kenney. Originally, it felt like Kenney was the clear target, but he hasn’t done much since to make a ton of waves. Meanwhile, earlier today Angela blew up all over Matt and as a result of that, he shifted into a possible backdoor.
The HoH and the nominees took part in the Veto today alongside Brooklyn and Joseph, who really had no incentive to push for a win here. In the end, it was Lisa who came away with the first Veto of the season, which does mean even more drama! As of right now it feels like there’s a good chance for Matt to go up, but we do have to wait and see how campaigning goes over the next little while. Angela has shown to be an erratic enough player that she could change her mind a few times.
Here is the thing, though — there are still other twists that could shake things up! Based on what we’ve heard about the AI arena either Kenney, Kimo, or Matt (if he goes up) could still have a chance to save themselves. Then, there is also Makensy’s America’s Veto power. Can she play it? A lot depends on if she is allowed to after the first Veto, and another is whether she wants to do this for Matt or save it for when she could need it to save herself down the road. (We’ve already seen her trying to find a way to gather up some numbers in the house, recognizing that she is currently on the outs of some of the alliances.)
Related – See more of the source of the Angela – Matt conflict from earlier today
What do you think about the results of the Big Brother 26 Power of Veto today?
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