Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Veto players; Angela vs. Matt

We are only in day 5 in Big Brother 26 and yet, we’ve already had our first fight! This is absolutely insane and yet, also entertaining.
So, where should we start here? By noting that Angela woke up and, almost immediately, decided that she wanted to ream out Matt. There were trust issues here for days but more so than anything, Angela just felt like he was an enormous threat who was conspiring against her. Some of this was projection, but with how animated Matt often is in the game and also how much he talks, we’re not shocked that someone would snap against him.
We honestly don’t even know how to describe this woman waking up and getting into a shouting match, but Matt is now very-much on the defensive. Feeds went down for Veto players and in the aftermath of it, he started crying and seeking comfort from Kenney, who is actually the person more in danger right now due to being on the block with Kimo and Lisa (who Angela went to for comfort, hilariously, after the fight). For those wondering why Matt is so upset, 1) it could be strategy but 2) if not, it is due to Angela suggesting that his mother would be embarrassed of him.
In some other news, Makensy told Leah and Matt that she won the America’s Veto power, which apparently enables her to use it, but America would vote for the replacement nominee. This could be used hilariously in the event that Matt ended up being the re-nom after the fact.
Meet the Collective
This is the first major alliance with a name this season: Angela, Cedric, Joseph, Chelsie, T’Kor, Kimo, Quinn, and Cam. Will this last? Probably not, but Angela loves the name.
Veto players
Based on what we’ve seen so far, Joseph, Angela, and Brooklyn are joining the nominees in the competition. What happened to the HoH not being able to play? Well, that may have been a misunderstanding from some recruits as to how the game works.
Related – See our Big Brother 26 update from last night, including Angela’s spiral plus the talent show
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