Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Veto preview + the Pentagon

It appears as though the week 1 Power of Veto Competition is underway in Big Brother 26, so why not set the stage? Also, why not discuss the “new” Pentagon alliance while we are at it?
Heading into today, it felt like the state of the game was somewhat cut-and-dry. Head of Household Angela nominated the likes of Kimo, Kenney, and Lisa for eviction, with Kenney the apparent target. It felt like there was some momentum against Lisa late last night, but almost all talk of the vote went out the window when Angela blew up on Matt first thing in the morning. He’s spent much of the day sulking, which may be strategic — he’s also gone about discussing the fallout of the fight in a really dramatic way. (Sure, he’s been messy, but he also hasn’t done anything so heinous to act as though his whole life is being ruined.)
Now, we are in a spot where if the Veto gets used, Matt becomes an easy replacement nominee. Brooklyn and Joseph are playing in the Veto alongside the nominees and HoH Angela — who does seem to be playing despite misinformation from the house. There may not be a huge incentive in Brooklyn or Joseph to try and win this but everyone else? Fair game. Angela almost has to try and win to take out Matt at this point.
Leading up to the Veto both Makensy and Matt realize now that they are in some trouble, and oddly, this sort of possible showmance / young athletic does not have the clout in the game they used to. Leah has been linked to them, but she is putting in work elsewhere now, including with another super-likable person in Quinn.
We could see Makensky decide to shake things up in a huge way this week with the America’s Veto, which would allow her to remove someone from the block. However, if she does use it now, there is a chance that Matt could go up! We think she holds onto it, and we don’t know if she can use it if Matt is a replacement nominee.
Who is the Pentagon?
Think Cam, Brooklyn, Chelsie, Brooklyn and Quinn — they could be a tight group within the larger Collective alliance.
Related – Get more discussion on the Matt – Angela argument from earlier
Who do you want to see win the first Veto of Big Brother 26?
Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — other updates are ahead.