House of the Dragon season 2 episode 5: Did King Aegon survive?

Entering House of the Dragon season 2 episode 5, almost every question revolved around one simple subject: The state of Aegon. Was he still alive?
Well, the show thankfully did not waste a lot of time giving us a clear answer. Within the first ten minutes of the episode, it was revealed that the king had found a way to survive and yet, at the same time he was in grave condition. He was in no real shape to actually rule and to make matters worse, he wasn’t well enough to speak the truth about Aemond. Remember that the King’s own brother is one of the responsible parties for the situation in the first place!
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Ultimately, Aegon’s survival could prove to be a story over the course of the next few episodes, and we are intrigued to see what sort of palace intrigue could come from this. We don’t think it is lost on Aemond that he would be a better king than his brother, and we would not be altogether shocked at this point to see him try whatever he can in order to ensure that this happens. Could this mean actively trying to murder Aegon himself? Well, this is something that we would not rule out entirely!
For now, what does make House of the Dragon as a series is that even if there are two clearly defined sides, at the same time both of them are stuffed full of chaos. If either group is going to win the war, they are going to need some sort of unity — that is in addition to a clear strategy, and trying to figure that out could prove quite the challenge.
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What do you think we are going to see moving forward with Aegon on House of the Dragon season 2?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.