The Boys season 4 episode 7: How will Hughie recover?

As you look towards The Boys season 4 episode 7 on Prime Video next week, isn’t it clear that Hughie has a lot on his mind?
You can look at the title of “how will Hughie recover?” above and think it is a direct reference to being trapped in Tek Knight’s dungeon; however, there is still an emotional undercurrent to his story there. He wanted to throw himself into work immediately because he was trying to process his grief and the loss of his father. He thought, at least in the moment, that doesn’t something like pretending to be Webweaver would take his mind off of it. Maybe it did, but he found himself in a lot of other danger and by the end of the hour, he finally broke down to Annie.
So where is Hughie’s head at following all of this? In a new interview with Variety, executive producer Eric Kripke did his best to explain:
His story in this particular episode is the kind of denial and compartmentalization a lot of us have when we’re dealing with the death of a loved one. And if you look throughout the episode, he’s always just saying, “I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m totally fine. I’m fine.” Which is what a lot of people do before you finally can sort of open the door to the pain you’re feeling. And I think that’s part of healing. So I think he’s going to go on and really try to absorb and learn what his dad and his mother taught him about forgiveness, and really try to take that into the season. Because he really does have the most mature and human arc out of all the characters this season.
What also makes Annie a great person to talk with is that she has an enormous heart as well, and we hope that she can lean on him when it comes to some of her own issues. Take, for starters, what is going on with her powers. She is barely having a chance to be Starlight these days!
Related – See more of what could be coming on The Boys next week
Where do you think we are going to see the story head as we prepare for The Boys season 4 episode 7?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.