The Acolyte season 2 renewal: Are there already discussions?

The Acolyte season 1
Photo: Disney+

Is there going to be a season 2 for The Acolyte over at Disney+? We certainly do believe that there is a level of interest. While this show may be polarizing, it also has a core fanbase. Suggesting anything else would at this point feel disingenuous.

Here is the good news, if you do love the show: The idea of another chapter is very much possible! While nothing may be confirmed at present, there are some conversations that have happened behind the scenes about what another chapter could look like. Executive producer Leslye Headland has already noted in multiple interviews that she has more ideas about where things could go in another chapter. Whether the likes of Osha, Mae, Sol, or other characters make it to this point is a mystery, but there is still certainly something more to discuss here.

Ultimately, one of the reasons why a season 2 can happen for The Acolyte is tied to its time period. Because this is a show set so far before the events of most of the familiar Star Wars movies and shows, you can be a bit more creative with how long you extend the story. There is still a certain amount of canon that has to be honored, but not every aspect of history has been discussed.

The real success of the series long-term here will honestly depend the most on what happens in regards to viewership, and that remains a pretty gargantuan mystery in itself. After all, remember that Disney+ does not release a lot of this information publicly, and the best thing that we have a lot of the time are estimates … which are not always fully accurate, since they are based on outside information that may not include every method of viewing.

Related Get a far better sense of what is ahead on the next The Acolyte episode!

Do you want to see The Acolyte season 2 happen at some point?

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