Power Book II: Ghost season 4 episode 5 spoilers: An epic tease

If there are two words that can be used to describe Power Book II: Ghost season 4 episode 5 coming up, they are apparently “absolutely insane.” Based on some of the quotes that we’re hearing now about the next chapter of the story, what else can be said? If things were not bonkers enough before, they are about to hit another level as multiple sides are at war.
If you are a diehard fan of the franchise, then you know that episode 5’s historically are the ones where the writers go big. Given that this particular episode 5 is the last one before a hiatus, it is fair to multiply that a few times over. We are getting prepared for jaws to hit the ground and for characters to potentially die. It feels like almost anything is on the table at this point.
In a new interview with Uproxx, Lovell Adams-Gray (who plays Dru on the series) gave what may be one of the greatest teases ever for this episode — even if it doesn’t give all that much away:
You ever see that video where the dude was so mad that his team lost and he punched the TV and it broke? Buy a new TV set or just get some money together to make sure you have enough to get that new TV set or get insurance on your television if you need to get it. Get that plan that says if anything happens to the TV, you’ll get a new one in the mail. Lock all those things in place.
So yea, we tend to think this means that there’s going to be an absolutely crazy cliffhanger at the end of this and honestly, why would we want anything else at this point? If this is the final season, go out big.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on this Power Book II: Ghost episode right now
How crazy do you think that things are going to get moving into Power Book II: Ghost season 4 episode 5?
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