Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: UK Elections, Rishi Sunak

The moment that we saw that the June 23 episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver would feature a segment about the UK Elections, we were excited. After all, this show does them better than almost any other American show out there … including major US news outlets.
Of course, a lot of this has to do with John growing up in Britain and being attuned to these things. However, at the same time, some of it is also due to him having to bottle up these segments on UK politics for a good year at a time. Then, when he gets to dive in, you can see his glee.
Suffice it to say, this segment was a buffet of people and topics, from opinions towards Rishi Sunak to the current Labour Party leader to also the recent history of Prime Ministers in the country. Since these subjects is so little covered in the United States, there are a lot of people, places, and clips we do not know. Heck, there are a lot of people out there who do not even know how UK elections even work. This is what does make segments like this so important, in addition to being very funny. (There was something in here allegedly about David Cameron that we would prefer to forget.)
If there is one part of the segment that a lot of viewers here may have had some education on already, it was Brexit; yet, there were still some laughs to be found here.
Beyond all of this election talk later on in the episode, at the start of the episode there was a little bit of time devoted to the Ten Commandments turning up in schools — or, what is going on when it comes to various cases about flags.
Hopefully, this episode does do enough to satisfy viewers; after all, it will be on hiatus for the next couple of weeks after this.
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