Fallout season 2 spoilers: New Robert House questions

How much are we going to learn about Robert House over the course of Fallout season 2? It seems like he could have an important role.
After all, consider some of what we know at the moment! This is a character who made a tiny appearance in the first season of the show via a look back in time. He also is responsible in part for RobCo Industries, a company important in a number of the games. That’s without even mentioning his integral role in New Vegas. Given that season 2 is seemingly heading to New Vegas, it feels like a given that the character will be front and center.
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In a new piece over at Variety, it is basically confirmed that there will be more “conversations” around Robert House on the upcoming season of the TV show. How he ties into the show’s storyline remains to be seen, but we’ve already seen that the writers have the freedom to drop their own metaphorical bombs. Take, for starters, confirming the long-held speculation that Vault-Tec themselves are responsible for the bombs as a means to create more profits for themselves.
The same Variety piece also gives you the following quote from Graham Wagner about incorporating the deathclaw, an iconic, monstrous foe from the games:
“To be honest, the deathclaw is an element we were troubled by not finding the right space for it in season one, and we very deliberately wanted to box ourselves in … And sometimes, as writers, you do that. You set yourself a challenge and you just say, ‘Well, now we got to.’ So, that actually has helped us a lot because we’re already developing ways, iterating ways to actually get the deathclaw up on its feet. Make it the most cool and impactful thing and it actually has given us the runway so we’re not just delivering a script and saying, ‘Oh, God, there’s a deathclaw.’ It’s like, ‘We know there is a deathclaw, so get ready.; These things take a lot of iterating, a lot of time to do it and to do it right versus just having it be a CG squiggle running across the screen.”
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Fallout right now, including when season 2 could premiere
What do you think we’re going to see from Robert House moving into the second season of Fallout?
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