Top Chef season 21 finale: Did Danny, Dan, or Savannah win?

Top Chef season 21
Photo: Bravo

Who won Top Chef season 21? We knew entering the finale that Danny, Dan, and Savannah were poised to face off.

Entering the episode, it was hard to honestly claim that one chef was the favorite over the others, mostly because this is a field that felt evenly stacked in so many ways. Savannah came on pretty strong back at the end of the contestants’ time in Wisconsin, and yet slipped a little bit last week. However, at the same time you could argue the same thing for the entire field. Nobody had momentum coming into the finale, producing one of those rare instances where almost anything could happen.

The premise for the finale, despite the new location, was not that different from what else we’ve seen over the years — basically, make the best meal of your life. It really was not altogether complicated beyond that. They all did have some help in the form of chefs who were previously eliminated this season.

By the time that we got to judges’ table, it felt clear pretty early on that Savannah was going to be out in third place. From there, it was just Danny versus Dan and it was close. Tom Colicchio seemed to think that Danny’s dessert was one of the most special dishes that he’s created; yet, there was also an issue with his scallops. Dan had a textural issue with one course, but got glowing reviews for the rest.

So, who actually got the title?

Danny got it! The judges admitted that it was a tight finish, and we honestly think it was that dessert that pushed him over the top. Dan has nothing to be ashamed of, especially when it comes to what he battled in terms of his health all season. We’ll admit that in terms of his story, we were rooting for him — but on the basis of quality and risk-taking, Danny feels like an equally deserving champ.

Related When is Top Chef season 22 going to premiere over on Bravo?

What did you most want to see heading into the Top Chef season 21 finale?

Who were you personally rooting for? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are more updates on the way.

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