SEAL Team season 7: Is David Boreanaz looking ahead?

As many of you may know already, SEAL Team season 7 is the final one on Paramount+ — and is star David Boreanaz already thinking about his next gig?
One of the things that is the most remarkable about this guy is between Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Bones, and now SEAL Team, the actor has had arguably one of the most impressive TV stretches out of any person out there.
While nothing has been confirmed or cemented as of yet when it comes to the future, Boreanaz did tell Variety at the Monte Carlo TV Festival over the weekend that he is currently writing a project that he could potentially star in and produce. As for inspiration, he noted that he is “watching a lot of The Sopranos right now,” but noted that it is not a Mafia project. He also described the creative process in general:
“I’m really good at the dialogue writing. I’m very good at that. I’m getting better at structure. You know, it is work in progress for me. But I love character breakdowns. I love, you know, story pointing, and all that stuff. So creating, yes. I am very good at creating.”
While it is far too early to know for sure if something is going to surface here, it does feel like there’s at least a chance that another project from David sees the light of day. In between his talent and long history of success, it would be rather shocking if networks and streaming services did not take some sort of meeting with him. He has that proven track record, but this does feel like something we would not hear a lot more about until we get around to the end of the year or early 2025. Fingers crossed, SEAL Team will be back with its final run long before that.
Related – When could a SEAL Team season 7 eventually premiere on Paramount+?
What sort of project would you like to see from David Boreanaz after SEAL Team?
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