Doctor Who season 14 episode 8 (finale): About Ruby’s mother…

As we do get ourselves prepared to see the Doctor Who season 14 on BBC One in a matter of days, why not talk theories? To be specific, there is a big one to get into regarding Ruby Sunday. Who is her mother?
Well, this has been a really fun discussion for some time, largely due to the fact that there is something clearly off about her. Look at the evidence! You’ve got everything from the snow constantly around her to the fact that her mom in the past somehow managed to avoid time in a traditional way.
There are a ton of different theories that are out there right now, but our personal favorite right now is that the character’s mom may be some sort of powerful God, in the same way that Sutekh is the God of Death within the Doctor Who universe. She would then know that the character would come for her daughter and she wanted her to be safe somewhere.
Another? That Ruby herself represents the opposite of Sutekh in some way an her emergence expedited his return. Yet, it seemed as though he was coming before she even entered the picture in “The Church on Ruby Road.” Was there an element of foresight there? You also have the potential that either she or her mother is a Time Lord, which has dangled out there for most of the season.
Of course, Millie Gibson’s character is far from the only companion to have some sort of mystery around her — and honestly, we don’t mind that all that much. What really matters the most at this point is just that the end result feels different from anything that we’ve seen before. (Clara Oswald is the comparison that comes the most to mind right now.)
Related – See our take right now on the Doctor Who season 14 finale promo…
What do you think we could be seeing with Ruby Sunday ahead of the Doctor Who finale?
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