When Calls the Heart season 11 finale: Stars talk Elizabeth, Nathan

With the When Calls the Heart season 11 finale a little over a week away, why not discuss Elizabeth and Nathan? These two have clearly been gravitating towards each other for most of the season and with that, it feels pretty clear that a full-fledged relationship is ahead.
Heck, the cast isn’t even trying to hide it at this point! You rarely see a show talk so openly about a prospective romance but then again, we don’t think the writers want anyone to think there is a fake-out coming at this point — especially after what happened close to the end of last season.
Speaking per Us Weekly, star and executive producer Erin Krakow made it clear that “I do think Elizabeth and Nathan are soulmates. We can use that word.” Meanwhile, her co-star Kevin McGarry noted that the two are “end game” and that “it’s pretty clear at the end of the season” where things are going to head.
One of the reasons the stars may be so comfortable sharing this is because they know that there is room for a lot of other drama elsewhere over the rest of this season and the next. After all, there is still a lack of stability around Hope Valley as everyone wonders about the resort and what Lucas is going to do next. Meanwhile, there are other romances that face a little bit more uncertainty, and it does seem like there is some sort of cliffhanger coming at the end of this batch of episodes.
Ultimately, we do think there’s a chance that an Elizabeth – Nathan wedding could be coming someday! Nobody may be eager to rush it, but it does feel worth it to keep it in the back of your mind.
What do you think we’re going to see for Elizabeth and Nathan in the When Calls the Heart season 11 finale?
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