The Boys season 4 video: A-Train’s new ‘origin story’

The Boys season 4
Photo: Prime Video

The folks over at The Boys are at it again when it comes to conjuring up some absurd new videos featuring some of their Supes.

So, what are we looking at in particular here? Well, that’s rather simple: A-Train discussing a little bit of his “inspirational story,” and then also his upcoming origin story, which has connections to a certain Dawn of the Seven.

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If you head over to the link here, you can see a new video where A-Train hypes up his own story, which feels like it is going to be stuffed full of all sorts of over-the-top ridiculousness. We know that Vought loves to paint with the broadest and most stereotypical brush possible, and we do tend to think that this could be the case here, as well.

In general, it does feel like A-Train could be one of the most important characters for the entire season coming up, and for good reason. After all, remember for a moment that he has shown that he’s capable of empathy and showing different sides of himself emotionally, and it does feel like that puts him into conflict with some other people in the Seven. However, it does seem as though he cares about his image and the spotlight, and this is what keeps him largely tethered to them. He will remain a part of the group moving into the fourth season, where he will be joined by The Deep, Homelander (of course), a new Black Noir, and Supes who are entering the picture for the first time in Firecracker and Sage. Are the two going to fit in there? Well, that’s something that, at least for now, remains to be seen.

Related Learn more about The Boys season 4 now, courtesy of one Jack Quaid

What do you most want to see when it comes to A-Train’s story moving into The Boys season 4?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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