Interview with the Vampire season 2 episode 5: More twists?

If you think we have reached a relatively stable place on Interview with the Vampire season 2, here is some advice: Think again.
If there is one thing that we have come to know about the AMC in a short period of time, it is this: They love doing their own unique brand of mind-games. That means different perspectives, moral outcomes, and of course questions as to who you should or not trust. There has been a lot of that we’ve seen to date, and there are certainly whispers that the next episode (set at least partially in San Francisco) could be the craziest one that we’ve had a chance to see yet.
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So what does Assad Zaman, who plays Armand, have to say about this particular story? Speaking in a new interview with Playbill, he described not just what’s ahead in episode 5, but also the rest of the season as well:
“The uniqueness of the show is that I don’t think we’re on anyone’s side in how we’re telling this story. I think it would be wrong to paint Louis as an all-good individual, or paint Armand as an all-bad individual; no one is painted with broad strokes. When you live that long, there’s layers to their souls. The moment you feel you know it all, there’s something new to be revealed.”
If you are watching this next episode hoping to be blown away, there is at least a good chance of that happening. Or, at the very least, perhaps thinking new things about either Armand, Louis, or someone else tied to everything that is going on. Sure, this is a series about vampires, but at the same time it is equally one about emotions and people.
Related – Learn more entering the next Interview with the Vampire episode
What do you most want to see moving forward on Interview with the Vampire season 2 with Armand and Louis?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.