Outlander season 7 episode 9 teaser highlights sacrifice ahead

The premiere of Outlander season 7 episode 9 is officially going to come to Starz on November 22, and absolutely that is quite the long wait.
So is there anything more to tide you over? Well, in celebration of World Outlander Day yesterday a new teaser was revealed, one that puts one rather simple thing at the center of the story: Sacrifice. There are huge things coming for Jamie and Claire as they fight for their future, and it may take a heavy toll on them. This teaser indicates that Claire no longer feels as though she is from the past, and she wants to be a part of creating a future in America and getting the country off to a great start.
What could complicate things on some level here is that through at least the start of the remaining season 7 episodes, Caitriona Balfe’s character will be in Scotland with Jamie. There is a chance to revisit the past in here, but it is also worth nothing that this is not just some nostalgia tour. There are some additional ramifications in here to where they are and what they will be doing.
Meanwhile, this teaser also does a good job of reminding you of some other all-important conflict, as Roger will do whatever he can in order to locate Jemmy. It is somewhat interesting that he and Brianna are both in separate places / times, whereas Jamie and Claire are also separate from them. This is clearly the most divided some of these characters have been ever since Brianna first went back to the past seasons ago. There is certainly enough room for all of them to have their own stories, but at the same time, it’s easy to root for some reunions. Seeing the Frasers together is a part of the joy that comes with this show!
You can watch the full teaser for what is next over at this link.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Outlander now, including some season 8 casting news
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