Power Book II: Ghost season 4 premiere spoilers: Monet’s survival

The Power Book II: Ghost season 4 premiere is going to be on Starz in just a matter of days, and absolutely it’s been a long wait!
So what will the primary story be for the next batch of episodes? Tariq and Brayden, doing whatever they can to stay alive. That was hyped the moment that the third season wrapped and really, it has been the chief narrative behind the scenes ever since. While the conclusion to this should prove fascinating (are they going to be on the run the entire season?), there are some other things to think about. Namely, consider what could be coming up for Monet as she has certainly bitten off more than she can chew and technically, there’s already no guarantee she’s alive at the end of the first episode.
Are we eager to get answers? You better believe it and if she survives, it’s easy to imagine that Mary J. Blige’s character is going to do whatever is possible to make sure justice is served.
To get some more discussion now, check out the full Power Book II: Ghost season 4 premiere synopsis below:
Tariq and Brayden must find a way to secure their own safety as Noma and the Tejadas race to take them out; Monet fights for her life and for another chance to do right by her children.
There’s one other thing that certainly feels worthy of discussion at this point — even if Monet wants another chance, is her family going to allow it? These kids have all been burned in so many ways at this point, and it is pretty darn difficult to imagine any of them looking past some of the betrayals and trust issues. Also, they want their own slice of power; it is hard to do that under Monet’s thumb.
Related – Check out one of the latest video previews now for Power Book II: Ghost
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