is The Equalizer new tonight on CBS, May 26, 2024?

The Equalizer season 4
Photo: CBS

Is The Equalizer new tonight on CBS? We absolutely understand wanting more of the show, and as soon as possible.

After all, go ahead and consider the following for a moment — last week’s episode ended with a pretty big cliffhanger that raised questions as to whether or not Dante would be a part of the show moving forward. If you are rooting for him and McCall to be together, then you absolutely have to hope that the character does find his way back to this world within the relatively near future.

Now, unfortunately, where we have to come in here and dish out the bad news — there is no new installment on the air tonight. Also, there’s not going to be one within the relatively near future, either. The unfortunate truth is that last week marked the season 4 finale and while we know that a season 5 is coming, it is probably not going to air until late September / early October. CBS has indicated that the series will be airing at 9:00 p.m. Eastern moving forward, as it and Tracker are swapping spots on the lineup. There are still reasons to think that both of them could be around for a while longer, as they do each have a certain amount of commercial success.

Beyond of course seeing Dante come back, of course we hope that The Equalizer season 5 can introduce some new friends and foes for Robyn and the team. What’s always going to be important for a show like this is that you do find a way to refresh the story here and there — and of course, a part of that will be just working in order to ensure that no one ever is super-comfortable. Sure, that may not always be the greatest thing for some of the characters, but it is certainly what you want for the show. You constantly want there to be high stakes!

Related Read more news now about the end of The Equalizer season 4

What do you most want to see on The Equalizer when it returns to the air?

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