Will Trent season 2 finale cliffhanger: Where is Will going?

Will Trent season 2
Photo: ABC

We had enough warning to know that the Will Trent season 2 finale on ABC tonight was going to be shocking — and still, it was hard to predict what we got here!

After all, just think for a moment about what was there through a lot of the conclusion of this story. Will found himself in a position where his code of ethics was put to the test like never before, and it led to the arrest of Angie. He felt like he had no choice, and that montage of a possible / separate future for the two was a reminder of just how difficult the situation truly was for him.

Because of all of this, Will packed up Betty and his stuff before taking off … but where is he going? This is a question that will be answered eventually, right? It feels like Puerto Rico is a possibility for him based on what we saw earlier this season; speaking to TVLine, here is what executive producer Daniel Thomsen had to say on that subject:

I mean, it’s definitely on our board for options. No decisions have been made yet, but if you’re ranking places that Will would want to go, [Puerto Rico is] definitely up there.

We tend to think that at some point early on in season 3, we are going to learn where Will is, but then also at the same time how much time has passed following the finale. Also, what happened to Angie? There is obviously a long process that is going to be playing out following her arrest, and we are going to have to see what that is over time. It may be something that the writers slow-play, mostly because they have no real reason to rush it.

Related Be sure to get some more events when it comes to the Will Trent season 2 finale

What do you think we’re going to see from the title character moving into Will Trent season 3?

Where do you think the character will be going? Share right now in the comments and come back — there are other updates on the way.

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