The Conners season 7 premiere date hopes over at ABC

After the finale tonight on ABC, why not go ahead and dive more into The Conners season 7? It is, after all, going to be the final one!
We take no glee in saying that; however, at the same time we do really appreciate the fact that we’re aware of this already. This gives the writers and producers plenty of opportunities in order to wrap up the story, even if early indications are that we’re going to be getting a shortened batch of episodes.
Unfortunately, at the time of this writing there is no exact premiere date for The Conners — yet, at the same exact time, ABC does not have it on their fall schedule. Our sentiment here is that the show will return before we get around to the end of March, and the network could be marketing it as some sort of specific event. This is a chance for the entire family to get what will hopefully be a fulfilling conclusion, one that also offers up an element of hope without also taking us out of the world of these characters.
So why isn’t the series back this fall? A lot of it has to do with just real estate on the network — or, a lack of real estate, all things considered. The Golden Bachelorette is taking a lot of the Wednesday real estate that was used for comedies in the past; meanwhile, Abbott Elementary will be sticking around. That can’t be a shock, mostly when you consider how popular it is.
Fingers crossed that the John Goodman – Sara Gilbert comedy is going to be getting a proper start date once we get around to the end of the year. ABC tends to release these schedules in advance.
What do you most want to see moving into The Conners season 7?
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