The Equalizer season 4 episode 9: Robyn and Dante kiss!

The Equalizer season 4
Photo: CBS

Tonight, The Equalizer season 4 episode 9 brought us a moment that we’ve been waiting to see forever with Robyn and Dante. Finally, they’ve kissed!

For most of the season now, it’s been clear that the feelings are there — and also, that they are mutual. We’ve just been watching them circle the idea and whether or not it could work. Now, is it fair to say that the two are all-in? We’ll have to wait and see and yet, at the same time it feels like they’re giving it a shot! We are happy to at least see this moment happen now; hey, we’re not going to be stuck waiting for a long break between seasons to wonder whether or not something is going to happen.

Unfortunately, we’re not sure just how much time the two are going to have to spend with each other moving into the finale. Consider what is happening with Mel! She’s going to be in grave danger and on the other side of what looks to be a kidnapping, and it certainly feels like we’re going to see the team pull out all of the stops to make sure that she is okay.

Until we get to next week, though, let’s just applaud the writers for giving us this moment that we’ve been wanting for a long time! The anticipation was certainly there, and it was put together on a show in a way that felt organic for these characters and certainly not forced. We’re not sure what else we could have wanted here, all things considered. This show could have easily gone in the “will they or won’t they” direction for quite some time, so let’s just be happy that this isn’t something that they are opting for here.

Related Be sure to get some more news now entering The Equalizer and its season 4 finale now

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