House of the Dragon season 2 video: Cast, crew on high stakes

As we do inch ever closer to see House of the Dragon season 2, we continue to hear more and more from the show’s cast. With that, of course, comes more excitement for an action-packed new chapter.
Want to see or hear something more now? Let’s just say that we are more than happy to help! If you head over to the link here, you can see a video where Matt Smith and some other cast members all do their part to tee up the latest chapter of the story — let alone all of the great stuff that comes along with it. During this upcoming chapter you are going to see the Dance of Dragons start pretty much immediately, and there is a lot of chaos and/or aftermath that is going to come as a result. Think in terms of violence, but also new locations. In particular, you see in this video new sets being constructed and a number of different locations prepared. If you have read George R.R. Martin’s Fire & Blood, then you may know a few things already about what is coming up … but there could still be room for a surprise or two along the way.
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The biggest obstacle that the new season of House of the Dragon faces here is honestly rather simple: Expectations. You have to find a way in order to top what you did back in season 1, which was incredibly successful at getting people back on board this franchise in a way that did not initially feel all that easy. We are now set for a showdown between the Black Council and the Greens — to think, all of this started once upon a time with two friends in Rhaenyra and Alicent. How did we get here?
Also, is there any way to stop the carnage before it gets so much worse? There is a lot that we have to think about at the moment.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on House of the Dragon now, including some other video previews
What do you think we are going to be seeing as we move into House of the Dragon season 2 at HBO?
Be sure to share right now in the comments! Also, come back — there are a lot of other updates.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.