Big Brother Canada 12 finale: Did Bayleigh, Anthony, or Lexus win?

Who won Big Brother Canada 12? Over the course of tonight’s huge finale on Global, we got a chance to get a firm answer.
Entering the big event, we knew that Bayleigh, Anthony, and Lexus would be squaring off in the final competitions and from there, they would face off against a jury that had a number of pretty tough questions to ask in regards to their games. Bayleigh was the favorite to take it home in our mind, but she also had to make it there. The only way that would happen? If she was to win the final HoH; otherwise, she would need to rely on a miracle in which Lexus decided to keep her over Anthony. She wasn’t willing to do it when it was him versus Todd, so what would be different in this situation?
Just like you probably would expect, we’re going to have more updates throughout the finale — be sure to refresh this page as the night goes on!
The Final HoH – Anthony managed to be victorious in part 1, whereas Bayleigh managed to secure the win in part 2 — setting up a fitting showdown for the most worthy winners. Anthony won part 3!
Now, the big surprise … Anthony evicted Lexus! He had a chance to take out someone who he was more likely to beat and with that, there’s a chance that he just threw away his chance at the prize.
And the winner is…
Yes, Anthony 100% screwed himself taking Bayleigh. We still think he would have won versus Lexus, but he lost here with only Elijah giving him support. His jury comments felt rehearsed, whereas Bayleigh felt so much more real and authentic in a lot of ways. She wore her heart on her sleeve at times this season and honestly, we do think that helped her. Anthony’s still a great player, but he has that one fatal flaw.
What did you think about the events of the Big Brother Canada 12 finale?
Do you think that the right person won in the end? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are other updates down the road.