Big Brother Canada 12: Todd Clements evicted in fourth

We came into the latest Big Brother Canada 12 episode tonight with a reasonably good understanding of what was going to happen. Still, oddly, it felt surprising to see Todd actually leave! Was it really the right move?
Think about it like this — Lexus had an opportunity to evict Anthony, the last returning player and a dominant force throughout the game. Yet, she stuck with her longtime ally and sent out Todd, who was strong in Veto competitions as of late and could be a comp threat at the end. He did last much longer than it felt like he would a month ago, so that’s a testament to both his social game, allies, and comp ability.
Honestly, though, mostly of our curiosity now is tied into what’s going to happen tomorrow night in the finale, mostly because there is such an interesting discussion that could be had in front of the jury. We saw a certain amount of it even play out in the jury deliberations tonight, where it seems like Bayleigh is by far the most popular person in the jury house. Yet, if she gets booted, what happens? Anthony has played another strong strategic game, but his confidence / cockiness can be off-putting and he doesn’t always go about evicting people in an easy way. Is he about to be the Big Brother Canada version of Paul from the US version? You can make that argument at this point. Knowing how to handle the jury is a skill, and it is not always an easy one.
Ironically, going into the season Anthony claimed that he was going to do a better job at it this time around — yet, here we are.
For now, congratulations to the final three, and it obviously has to hurt for Todd to go at this point.
Are you bummed that Todd is officially out at this point on Big Brother Canada?
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