Found season 2 premiere date: A best-case scenario

Found season 1
Photo: NBC

We know that Found season 2 is already in production, but what is the best-case scenario when it comes to a premiere date? As you would imagine, there is a lot to be excited about moving forward … but also reasons to be nervous. How can you not be after that huge cliffhanger?

Well, our feeling at the moment is that the folks at NBC are actively looking at when to bring the series back; not only that, but you should be getting more answers on that sooner rather than later.

After all, remember this: Over the next few weeks, the network is going to be holding their upfront presentation and while there, we tend to think that they will reveal the fall schedule … and it feels like an almost-given that the Shanola Hampton series is going to be a part of it. Just remember the following for a moment — early indications are that we’re getting a proper 22-episode season and if that is the case, you can’t really start it super-late in the year.

The best-case scenario to us is that Found returns in late September; if not then, it feels like a sure thing it will be back in October. At the very least, we could get seven or eight episodes this fall; beyond that, the rest could air in the winter / spring. One of the best things about the show being in production already is that it allows for an incredible amount of flexibility on NBC’s part. They can choose to schedule these episodes however they choose, including not having too many major breaks in between episodes.

Of course, we’ll have to wait and see more of what they choose to do there. For now, we’re just hoping that Gabi comes back on the air as soon as humanly possible.

Related Get some more news now when it comes to the start of Found season 2 production

What do you most want to see on Found season 2 when it eventually airs?

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