Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO, 4/28?

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO? We’ve had a rather nice run of new episodes as of lately.
Unfortunately, tonight that run has come to an end, as there is no new installment on the air tonight. This is fairly standard for the show, which tends to do a batch of episodes, a week off, and then more new episodes on the other side. The plan is for the series to return with more headlines when we get around to next Sunday, so you won’t be stuck with too long a break here.
Now, let’s just take a moment to share what we like to consider to be great news — at some point today, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is going to droop the entirety of the first season today on their YouTube Channel, and what that means is we’ll have a chance to really dive back into some nostalgia from a good decade ago. There are some really good pieces that the show did from the get-go, and a lot of them (unfortunately in some ways) are still pretty darn relevant.
One other crazy part of it? Seeing how youthful Oliver looked at the start of the show! We mention it only because it’s the sort of thing that he would openly joke about, as well. It’s actually a reflection of how a lot of us have aged due to the stress of the news cycle over the last decade.
While we don’t think in general there will be more episodes of Last Week Tonight this year than in seasons’ past, you can argue that all of them have an added layer of significance. After all, think for a moment here about this being an election year, and everyone being so hyper-aware of what is actually going on in the country.
What do you most want to see moving into the next Last Week Tonight with John Oliver?
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