Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: UFOs and Adeel Mangi

On the latest Last Week Tonight with John Oliver episode, there was a lot crammed in — but also a lengthy chat about UFOs.
We’ll start off here by admitting that as someone who loves outer space, this was totally the segment for us. It’s also obvious that not everyone is going to take it seriously. That just happens with this subject matter the vast majority of the time.
One of the things that was smart about this whole segment was how Oliver cast such a wide net when it comes to what UFOs are — sure, a lot of them are associated with aliens, but not all of them are. This was actually a really smart and interesting history lesson, and a way to look back at the past few decades of research when it comes to these objects and how research for them has come about.
This is definitely one of those segments where it was hard to know what to expect coming into it — yet, it actually was pretty illuminating. There were some things in here you may not have known! Take, for example, that the famed debris that was uncovered in Roswell many years ago was not a weather balloon. Instead, it was tied to a top-secret government project.
As for what else we had a chance to hear about in this episode, there was a good bit of time spent on Adeel Mangi, a man you may not have heard just about amidst some confirmation hearings. This is actually what this show really excels at — educating viewers while also making you laugh here and there along the way. Oliver’s entire point here was that while compromise can at times be important, can you really compromise when people are being so extreme about someone who could be serving in an important court position?
What did you think about the April 21 episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver?
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