So Help Me Todd creator on cancellation news

So Help Me Todd season 2
Photo: CBS

Earlier today, the sad news came out that So Help Me Todd was canceled at CBS after two seasons. No doubt, it is a disappointing reveal. This is a show that had a dedicated audience, and also brought a welcome dose of levity to its particular genre. It felt like a wonderful throwback to some procedurals of old, while also still feeling modern in all the right ways. We would have loved to see it be around for some time still! Unfortunately, that was not the case.

So what is creator Scott Prendergast saying about the end of the show now? Well, in a post on Instagram, he offered up a heartfelt note of gratitude:

Thank you CBS for the phenomenal opportunity. CBS is truly a wonderful place to work. Everyone is so supportive, respectful and SMART. Every single executive I interacted with had only one goal in mind: how do we turn your idea into a great show on CBS? Working on this level, with this scope, with these actors, on these sets, with these writers, with this brilliant crew, this wardrobe, these editors, these composers, these creative executives who care so very much – has been the best professional experience of my life. What a privilege to stand on our huge stages and watch all these magicians at work. It is so extraordinary to get to dream up these ideas and characters and jokes and stories and then stand back as incredibly talented professionals bring them to life. WHAT LUCK! WHAT JOY! WHAT GREAT SUCCESS! I took a story about me and my Mom and hundreds of people came together to build it into something else, something huge, something beautiful, something funny. Thank you to everyone involved, and to all our viewers. One million thank yous will never be enough.

Thank you, thank you, thank Todd for you. And goodbye.

While we’d love to hold out hope that So Help Me Todd could land somewhere else, nothing has been suggested on that subject … at least for now. We already know that season 2 has a cliffhanger ending, but hopefully there are at least more reasons to smile along the way.

Related Be sure to get some more news on So Help Me Todd right now, including what is coming up on the next episode

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