Big Brother Canada 12: Elijah ‘Goose’ Kazlauskas evicted

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After two episodes (and no Digital Dailies), the Big Brother Canada 12 – Movie Night Massacre has officially come to a close. With that, we also must say goodbye to Goose, the resident “block star” of the season. Who is going to be nominated now that he’s gone?

Let’s start off here by noting that there was so much bedlam that led up to this. Everyone was “cast” in their roles in the massacre, with Victoria winning Head of Household and Avery going on the block alongside Kayla. When Kayla won the Veto, it brought a lot of questions as to what could be from there. Victoria would have faced a real risk if someone like Todd went on the block — she obviously wanted to save Avery, who has been one of her closer allies in the game. Putting up Elijah was a way to ensure that there was a clear target who almost everyone could get behind.

Goose now becomes the first member of the jury. Also, his eviction was unanimous. There was not enough time to flip the house and even if there was more time, it still didn’t matter. We don’t think that Lexus or anyone else would have found a way to get enough votes.

The only painful part of this for Goose was getting sent out at a time in which Victoria told him he would be safe … not that this means anything. He had a pretty disastrous HoH reign so despite being a huge fan of the game, he could never fully get his footing within the competition itself.

Now, the massacre is over … and let’s hope we get something akin to Dailies as we move forward. The last few days have been rough when it comes to organic content.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother Canada, including our thoughts on the first part of the massacre

What did you think about the events of tonight’s Big Brother Canada 12 eviction?

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