Big Brother Canada 12: Was Matthew Wong evicted?

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Was Matt Wong evicted from the Big Brother Canada 12 house tonight? Going into the show, this was our expectation. However, there are ever so often occasions where things can change at the last minute.

It is hard in some ways to even explain all the little wrinkles that went into Matt’s demise in the game. Some of it was the threat level that comes with showmantic behavior; another part of it was him being closely linked to Anthony. Clearly, both Head of Household Avery as well as Victoria saw some value in pulling numbers away from Dougie, not also realizing that it could backfire. We are leaving this week with the game significantly more fractured than before; Anthony is aware of Spicy Vee playing all sides and she could be in more trouble than ever before. However, at the same exact time, we’ve seen Victoria wiggle her way out of tough situations before; we didn’t want to make any assumptions.

As for the reason why Elijah is turning into the Block Star of the season, the truth is that he’s just not much of a threat. Even though he won an HoH, he doesn’t have a lot of super-tight allies who trust him more than anyone else. He’s certainly expendable, but there may be a thought that he could go at almost any given moment.

No matter what happened, it felt like this eviction was going to set a huge tone for everything that is coming up after the fact.

So what actually happened tonight?

Well, Matt was evicted, but it actually was a lot closer of a vote than we were expecting! Anthony, Tola, and Lexus were all on the wrong side, and that makes us think we have hit a real divide in the Hot Chocolate alliance.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother Canada, including the latest from the Digital Dailies

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