Sugar season 1 episode 3: Is John Sugar inherently good?

As you do get yourselves prepared to see Sugar season 1 episode 3 on Apple TV+ later this week, why not talk morality for a moment? Is John Sugar an inherently good person — or, is he just putting on a front to care about others for his own ends?
Through the first two episodes, we did at least see some evidence that this is a guy who is trying to do the right thing, even at the times in which it is perceived to be inconvenient. He seems to be interested in finding Olivia in part due to his sister; also, it just feels like his calling. This is a refreshing change of pace from a lot of jaded characters out there; however, at the same time we’ve also watched enough TV to be nervous about everything.
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Thankfully, show creator Mark Protosevich is here to help with some of our concerns! Speaking in a new interview with IndieWire, he had the following to say about what we’re currently concerned about in relation to this character:
“I didn’t want him to be an antihero … I didn’t want him to be the hero and the villain, as I was seeing a lot of on TV … I liked the idea of creating someone who had integrity, who tried to do the right thing, who cared about people.”
Maybe there are some out there who will think that this perspective makes the character a bit boring, but we would beg to differ! Instead, this perspective gives Sugar more depth since he stands out — after all, we don’t think a lot of people around him share this point of view. Can a moral character work within an immoral world? Time will tell…
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Sugar now, including the run time for what lies ahead
What do you most want to see moving into Sugar season 1 episode 3 over at Apple TV+?
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