Fire Country season 2 spoilers: More on Bode, Gabriela story

Fire Country season 2
Photo: CBS

At this point in Fire Country season 2, we know that we’re in the midst of a pretty darn complication situation for Bode romantically. He loves Gabriela but, at the same time, he may not be able to be with her. She is engaged to Diego and for now, that doesn’t appear to be changing.

What complicates things a little bit further? Well, let’s just go ahead and put it like this: Bode still isn’t putting himself out there to fight for her. He is doing this because he thinks that it is the noble and right thing to do, but is it really? That’s a totally different story.

In speaking on all of this further to TV Insider, here is some of what executive producer Tia Napolitano had to say on the subject:

“We’re going to continue to explore that story … We’re in a love triangle, and we want to stay there for as long as we possibly can and root for Bode and Gabriela. And what I love about Bode is that he puts her happiness first and he says, I just want her to be happy. And I’m not sure if that’s me, [but] it’s the most admirable, most Bode heroic stance on saying, ‘Yeah, I do love her and I want her to be happy more than I want to get what I want.’ So the audience is along that ride with him.”

By the end of this season, will we have answers?

We sure hope so, especially since it feels like the writers are tracking for Gabriela’s wedding to take place around that time! We have already heard about her mother being cast, and that could be one of the stories that we see explored at around that point, as well.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Fire Country, including more on the Sheriff Country spin-off that lies ahead

What do you think is going to be coming between Bode and Gabriela on Fire Country season 2 moving forward?

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