The Rookie season 6 episode 6: Did Bradford, Chen break up?
Tonight on The Rookie season 6 episode 6, we saw something that we honestly never thought that we were going to see: The end of Bradford and Chen. Or, is it? Are these two really over?
Ultimately, what we saw in this episode was Eric Winter’s character spiraling out after realizing the repercussions of what he’s done. Sure, he was able to keep his job, but that was due in part due to a lies that he told. He feels that a lot of his life at this point is a lie, and he thinks that breaking up with Lucy is a part of how to make that happen. Does she agree? Hardly, and this is going to be driving a dagger into both of their hearts.
Speaking to TVLine, here is some of what Winter had to say about this breakup and the events leading up to it:
I think his mindset is he has spiraled. Tim has lost a bit of who he is. He’s sort of accepting but not fully accepting the repercussions of where his his past has landed him. And I think that in typical Tim fashion, he’s still trying to protect those around him, even from himself. So, Tim might think he’s doing good even though it’s very hurtful.
The big problem that Bradford is going to run into here is simply this: Even when he gets to the other side of what’s going on with him, there is no guarantee he’ll be able to get anything back. Is Lucy going to just run back to him after being heartbroken? There are a lot of things here that he can’t walk back, and this is going to be the struggle of the rest of the season.
While we still have hope for the two of them long-term, it’s clearly not going to be easy … and the writers are going to be testing us more than we thought.
Related – There is a long wait for the next The Rookie episode
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