Parish season 1 episode 3 spoilers: After the shootout…

Parish season 1
Photo: AMC

Following what you saw tonight on AMC, are you eager to learn more about Parish season 1 episode 3? Is more violence ahead?

Based on what we saw at the end of the most recent episode of the Giancarlo Esposito series, the biggest takeaway we have is quite simple: Gray is in big trouble. He’s going to have a hard time figuring out just what to do from here, but isn’t that going to be a big part of what makes the story so interesting at present? We tend to think so. This is a man who wants to escape the world of being a wheelman and yet, he’s already in so deep. There’s desperation on his face at the end of episode 2, and things are unfortunately going to get so much worse before they get better across this six-episode show.

Want to learn more? Then go ahead and check out the full Parish season 1 episode 3 synopsis:

Cornered, Gray’s allegiance to Horse is put to the ultimate test; the Parish and Tongai families search for their missing loved ones; the Tongais gather intel on their adversary.

We should go ahead and note that the title for this upcoming episode is “Sanctuary,” which is mostly ironic in that this story does not feel like this at all. Instead, it is going to be about Gray trying to see if he can in theory get there, but it is not going to be easy.

Based on what we’ve see so far…

Well, let’s just go ahead and say that our expectation is that we’re going to have another cliffhanger, more devastation, and of course more violence. This is the sort of show that this is! We do think (pun intended) that the show has proven so far to be an interesting ride; we just have to see now if that momentum can last the rest of the way or not.

What do you most want to see moving into Parish season 1 episode 3?

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