Manhunt season 1 episode 6 spoilers: Stanton’s big quest
As you prepare yourselves to see Manhunt season 1 episode 6 over on Apple TV+ next week, what else can you expect to see?
Well, for starters, the title for this episode is “Useless” and on paper, you can argue that this does not inspire all that much in the way of hope. Yet, at the same time, we know what this show is building towards! There is some big stuff coming for a few different characters, especially for Stanton given the fact that he has to deal with a wide array of highs and lows.
There is also the following realization: Stopping John Wilkes Booth is just one part of his overall purpose. After all, there are some other things that he has to contend with here, with a big one being working in order to ensure that everything Abraham Lincoln did ultimately lasts for future generations.
To get a handful of other details, go ahead and check out the full Manhunt season 1 episode 6 synopsis:
Stanton gets a win, but not the way he wanted. He plans for the conspirators’ trial, which he must conquer to keep Lincoln’s legacy alive.
There are not a lot of episodes left and by virtue of that, it does feel as though there are going to be a number of other twists and turns ahead. This is going to be a more emotional story moving forward than you tend to see from a lot of historical dramas, but there is also a pretty clear reason for that in the end: The stakes are so unbelievably high. There is a reason why Lincoln remains such an important figure to all of the world, and that’s not something that we want to see the show move away from at any point in the near future.
Let’s just hope now that the remaining episodes are every bit as great as we think they can be.
What do you most want to see moving into Manhunt season 1 episode 6 over on Apple TV+?
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