Bosch: Legacy season 3 premiere date: An April 2024 update

Bosch: Legacy season 2
Photo: Freevee

Are you eager to learn a thing or two already about a Bosch: Legacy season 3 over at Prime Video? We don’t blame you! Of course, we also think that there’s a lot to talk about in terms of the story.

If you need a quick refresher, the second season ended in almost the craziest fashion imaginable — remember that in the closing minutes, Maddie Bosch answered a phone call seemingly meant for her father, with Preston Borders on the other side. The implication here is that he was responsible for killing off Kurt Dockweiler behind bars and with that, there are some other trust issues that could be at play coming up.

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So are we about to receive any more premiere date news over the course of the month? We’d love to say that it’s possible but at the same time, it feels pretty unlikely. Why? Well, a lot of it has to do with the oh-so-simple fact that the show is probably not due to return until we get closer to the end of the year, if that. Production is not done as of yet, and until we reach that point, it probably feels a little impulsive to have a lot of these conversations.

What else could we learn this spring?

It is possible that another couple of casting updates are going to be revealed. Beyond just that, though, it’s our hope that we will also learn more about the upcoming Renee Ballard spin-off. Maggie Q has already been cast in the title role, and we do know already that Titus Welliver is going to be stopping by in some capacity. Consider these just some of what you can look forward to here!

Related Get another bit of insight on Bosch: Legacy season 3, courtesy of author Michael Connelly

What do you most want to see moving into Bosch: Legacy season 3, no matter when it premieres?

Share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to also come back here — there are a lot of other updates.

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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